About Us

Cheza CBO, is duly registered Kenyan Non Profit as on the 27th June 2019. The CBO was formed by Chezasports FC community support base in South B, Nairobi County. Their immediate aimbeen to fundraise towards the cost of league football facilitation. For more background information visit the Chezasports FC page.

The legal operational scope covers the greater South B Division, encompassing several suburb estates and adjacent Mukuru slum settlements. The focus of its socio-economic interventions, however, is on the residents of Mukuru Fuata Nyayo Slum settlement. Children and youth from the slum face severe socio-economic limitations to attaining sustainable livelihoods as adults.

The mandate of the CBO in its target community is modeled on the sports for development concept. Tentative programswill not only prioritize league facilitation but also academic scholarships, targeted environmental, entrepreneurship and ICT skills training programs . The CBO actions also interventions also to compliment various developmental agencies efforts within our community to reach targets set out in the UN global Sustainable Development Goals, to alleviate extreme poverty by 2030.

One year into existence the CBO is yet to achieve most of its benchmarks in terms of programs rolled off. This is attributed to the advent of the global Corona virus pandemic and its imposed effects on normal life. Despite the prevailing circumstances, the CBO has some progressto report. Its active members and teams of volunteers have been its lifeblood and source of resilience.

The interim CBO committee made up of youthful, visionary leaders exemplify the volunteer-ship spirit. Tech savvy,they have led members vibrant interaction and constructive engagement through the CBO’s online digital platforms . Through such forums the CBO coordinated a spirited online community fundraising campaign efforttowards Chezasports league season program. Through the funds raised the club was able to register and play all their league fixture matches.

The CBO members also recorded another milestone in mobilizing resources towards the facilitation of academic scholarship for 10 secondary school students .

The sudden loss of income imposed by the Corvid pandemic hit slum families hardest as most live a hand to mouth existence. The CBO’as online food donations appeal drew substantial food donations for at least x most vulnerable families facing immediate hunger.

These are some of the interventions within the year that have justified the CBO’s presence in the community . Community interest in the CBO can best be gauged by the growth of its membership. From an initial 30 comprising players officials and a few supporters the membership now stands at more than a 100 active members. In the same breath the number of volunteers is an impressive 15 including the 7 officials of the elected CBO management committee.


Cheza CBO was duly registered in 2019 as a Kenyan non profit organization. It draws its membership from residents South B and the greater Mukuru Kayaba slum settlements, hence defining the CBO’s operation scope It has a current membership of 100 comprising; senior players parents of junior players, officials and community supporters of both Chezasports FC and Chezasports Academy


The CBO was formed by the community supporters of The football club and soccer academy. They were inspired by the shared vision of youth empowered with sustainable opportunities.. They were also motivated by the opportunity of energizing Chezasports Limited CSR programs, projects and activities. By forging a sustainable partnership the CBO would give ownership to the community ownership in planning, resource mobilization and effective implementation of long term youth empowernment initiatives csr policy.


The CBO’s mission statement is to enhance sustainable livelihood by diversifying opportunities through which community youth can gain economic and social empowernment. In this regard the CBO aspires to youthful, well informed, leadership. Such is better placed, to articulate youth needs and relevant solutions.leader profile SUB-PAGE-

Collins Olimba


Jamila Mwanyigah


Zablon Misesi


Abdirahman Abdille


Clevian Khasoa

Vice Secretary

Dennis Mutuku

Organising Secretary

Joseph Omondi

Vice Treasurer


In principle most/all CBO programs, projects and activities are planned and resourced through the Cheza community CSR committee. The committee’s membership comprises of 3 Cheza CBO committee members and 3 Chezasports Limited Staff.

In identifying relevant interventions for planning and action, the committee is guided by periodic community needs assessment, UN SDG goals and the Kenya Vision 2030 development blueprint.leader profile SUB-PAGE-program/ project /activity checklist

The CBO intends to both diversify and expand its mobilization of resources for its work in the community. Currently, they are only xactive resource streams for the CBO

The CBO program/projects/activities are independently implemented by the CBO committee…Each committee member is accountable for resources assigned to his/her role and functions defined in the CBO constitution… . CSR staff from Chezasports Limited assist the CBO committee in mostly resource accounting tasks


The Chezasports Limited is a successful sports business venture operating within Nairobi. As a private limited company it has undertaken to proactively give back to its home community through its corporate social responsibility mandate.

The core motivation behind the CBO was to give CSL’s home community ownership of its corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives, leveraging on synergy of purpose.

Through the jointly constituted “Chezaa” community CSR committee comprising; CBO management committee members and CSL’s, CSR staff, the two entities pursue a similar mission mandate. That of, enhancing sustainable livelihood by diversifying opportunities through which community youth can gain economic and social empowerment.

The committee’s role is identify priority needs and mobilize resources towards implementing relevant, sustainable interventions. In identifying relevant interventions for planning and action, the committee is guided by periodic community needs assessment, UN SDG goals and the Kenya Vision 2030 development blueprint.