It is a segment within the CBO's programme stream aim at stimulating the Bargaining Power of the youth and establish a stable foundation for both economic and admirable social fabric. This particular initiative picks up at the transition levels ie class 8 and tertiary. The reason as to why the CBO choose the transition stages of education is for fact that most of the youth will basically opt to drop out mostly at this junctions because financial requirements to advance to the next level proves to be challenging. The bridge of make or break is where the CBO strategically chose to have its impact.

How The Programme is Effected

The CBO gives consideration to a pool of players from its database with a keen eye on the KCPE candidates in line to join form one. This step is also made possible through a partnership is established between high school administrations to secure slots for the selected students through various enquiries and evaluations. Tracing and follow ups is carried on academic progression over the outlined education period or coursework. _Support_ _Channel_ At the moment the CBO supports in by catering for upkeep for the entire year for each of the students. Stable means being worked on is towards the attainment of academic scholarships for the various studies and education periods of the CBO supported student based on talent and football sports prospects.

Every Kenyan child below 18 years is entitled to primary and secondary school education according to the Kenyan constitution. Cheza Community Based organization and Cheza Sports Academy has for over seven years prioritized this rite ensuring every player from the slum has access to education. Through partnerships with a number of secondary schools countrywide talented players from less privileged backgrounds have accessed partial and full scholarships.

Machakos High School, a national school, gave us opportunities to Glen Lee Lungaho, John Chuny and Thomas Atem. Through donations raised by the Cheza Moms, Glen is paid for school fees. Herbert Daniel Sanday is on a full scholarship at St. Peters Nakhalira in Bungoma.

We continue to forge new partnerships with secondary schools with positive plans ahead with Highway Secondary School and Kakamega High School. Cheza continues to encourage well wishers to support the Elite Player Programme to better the players on and off the field learning.

We continue to forge new partnerships with secondary schools with positive plans ahead with Highway Secondary School and Kakamega High School. Cheza continues to encourage well wishers to support the Elite Player Programme to better the players on and off the field learning.